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Smart Lighting Control Smart Lighting Control

Smart Lighting Control

Hoishik lighting control offers the powerful features you would expect living in the 21st century while providing simplicity at the same time. The formula is simple: Outdoor lights come on automatically at dusk & go off at dawn. You won't have to walk the house at night turning off all the lights one by one. The big banks of light switches that look bad on your walls will go away.

Chromatic lighting

Wouldn't it be great if your exterior lights could come on automatically at dusk? We can make your house look beautiful and safe as soon as it gets dark, automatically each night. Lights can turn off at a preset time such as midnight or morning, or you can have lights turn off when you press the goodnight button on your nightstand before bed.

Scenes of light

Scenes allow you to set the perfect light levels in a room with one button press. When a particular room, such as a dining room, has several light fixtures controlled by several dimmers it can be tedious to set the perfect light levels each time you enter the space. What often happens is that you turn on the main light at full brightness and you forget about the sconce lights, the in-cabinet lights, and the artwork lighting.

When you have a lighting control system, you don't have to mess with the lights each time you enter the room. Instead, we work with you to setup scenes that you can access with a single button tap as you enter the room. You might have one scene called "dining" that will turn on most of the lights at 75% brightness. You'll have plenty of light to eat, your artwork will be illuminated and the china in your cabinet will be properly accented. Another scene called evening accent will turn on the dining room lights at a very low level. This will make the room look inviting before or after dinner. Lastly, another scene will simply turn all the lights off with one button press.

Whole house control

A large home might have hundreds of lighting circuits spread out across multiple floors and buildings. A house cleaner or little kids can turn on half of these lights throughout the day and you might not even know about for days!

Our lighting systems can allow you to have a single press to turn off all the lights in the entire house that may have been left on. We can setup additional scenes such as a "clean home" button that will turn on all interior lights so that your house keeping team can see all of the surfaces to ensure the house cleaning service is top notch.