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COVID-19 & Our Community

On behalf of all of us at Hoishik, we hope this message finds you well.

Valued clients, partners and friends,

Like so many of you, we have spent the last several days and weeks learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19). As our country engages in social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus, many of us will depend on the technology within our homes now more than ever. Whether you need to work from home, keep children entertained, remain informed or just want to stay sane, we're here to support you - both remotely and in-person.

On March 16th, the City of Philadelphia categorized our business as an essential establishment that may continue to serve the community. We intend to do so responsibly by remaining vigilant on our end to keep our employees healthy and the spaces they work in clean spaces for you to enjoy, and we thank you so much for helping us with that effort. We are taking every precaution to mitigate risk so we can serve our community.

We have always respected your choice to let us into your home and today is no exception.

Our goal is to keep you in business during this stressful time. To do so, we are providing technical support over the phone as well as through face-time, skype, and email. If a client cannot be helped remotely, we are offering in-person visits on a case-by-case basis.

If you would like to contact us, know that we are here and open for business. However, we completely understand if you would like to postpone visitors until a later time. Please let us know if you're concerned about an upcoming visit. We will postpone it at no cost to you.

While we get through this together, we want you to know you don't need to " live with " technology that doesn't work when you want it to. Help from Hoishik is a call or email away.

To contact our service department, please call 1 (610) 935-8366 ext. 1 or email help@hoishik.com

A depiction of COVID-19 by 9 year old Roxy Hoishik


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